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Share register analysis

as at 31 March 2023

Shareholder spread Number of shareholders % of total shareholders Number of shares % of issued capital
1 - 1 000 39 206 91.42 5 125 642 1.16
1 001 - 10 000 2 843 6.63 7 798 657 1.76
10 001 - 100 000 605 1.41 20 241 549 4.57
100 001 - 1 000 000 194 0.45 52 434 721 11.85
Over 1 000 000 37 0.09 356 912 109 80.66
Total 42 885 100.00 442 512 678 100.00


Shareholders by type Number of shares % of issued capital
Domestic Institutions 151 402 975 34.2
Foreign Institutions 106 294 851 24.0
Corporate stakeholders 140 353 825 31.7
Private investors 27 944 865 6.3
Employees 15 284 660 3.5
Brokers and others 1 231 502 0.3
Total 442 512 678 100.0
Public shareholders vs non-public shareholders: AFS

To the best knowledge of the directors, the spread of public shareholders in terms of paragraph 4.25 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements at 31 March 2023 was 51.75%, represented by 42 879 shareholders holding 229 018 921 ordinary shares in the group.

The non-public shareholders of the group, comprising six shareholders, holding 48.25% represented by 213 493 757 ordinary shares, are analysed as follows:

Number of shares % of issued
Share schemes 14 990 297 3.39
Treasury shares 89 461 0.02
Directors and associates (MCG and major subsidiaries) 204 902 0.05
Beneficial holders >10% 198 209 097 44.79


Public shareholders vs non-public shareholders Number of shareholders % of total shareholders Number of shares % of issued capital
Non-public shareholders 6 0.01 213 493 757 48.25
Directors and associates (MCG and major subsidiaries)* 2 0.00 204 902 0.05
Material beneficial holders >10% 2 0.00 198 209 097 44.79
Treasury shares 1 0.00 14 990 297 3.39
Share schemes 1 0.00 89 461 0.02
Public shareholders 42 879 99.99 229 018 921 51.75
Total 42 885 100.00 442 512 678 100.00

* Include direct and indirect holdings

Non-public shareholders Number of shares % holding
Groupe Canal+ 140 160 277 31.7
Public Investment Corporation (PIC) 58 048 820 13.1
Material beneficial shareholders (>10%) 198 209 097 44.8
The MultiChoice Group Restricted Share Plan 14 990 297 3.4
MultiChoice Group Treasury Services 89 461 0.0
213 288 855 48.2

Shareholders with >5% interest Number of shares % of issued capital
Groupe Canal+ S.A. 140 160 277 31.7
Public Investment Corporation 54 226 444 12.3
M&G Investments 33 873 887 7.7
Allan Gray 26 644 273 6.0

Directors' holdings Direct Indirect Total %
Calvo Mawela 173 471 173 471 0.039
Tim Jacobs 31 431 31 431 0.007
Imtiaz Patel 0.000
Jim Volkwyn 0.000
Kgomotso Moroka 0.000
Elias Masilela 0.000
Christine Sabwa 0.000
Fatai Sanusi 0.000
Louisa Stephens 0.000
James du Preez 0.000
204 902 204 902 0.046

Trading data
Opening price on 1 April 2022 (ZAR) 131.73
Closing price on 31 March 2023 (ZAR) 123.36
Closing high for period was on 6 March 2023 (ZAR) 147.48
Closing low for period was on 7 September 2022 (ZAR) 110.63
Number of shares in issue 442 512 678
Volume traded during period 273 214 554
Ratio of volume traded to shares issued (%) 61.74
Rand value traded during the period (ZAR) 33 094 929 451
Historic price/earnings ratio as at 31 March 2023 15.2
Historic earnings yield as at 31 March 2023 6.6
Historic dividend yield as at 31 March 2023 4.6
Market capitalisation at 31 March 2023 (ZAR) 54 588 363 958