Sports in South Africa
DStv Diski challenge
MultiChoice actively nurtures South Africa's young soccer talents. The country has so many promising players and aspiring professionals with the potential to succeed – all they need is professional support and the opportunity to show their skills to the public.
new players part of the new Diski season

schoolgirls across 1 456 schools
participated in the inaugural DStv Schools Netball Challenge

multipurpose sports fields being constructed this year

Through the Diski Challenge, launched in 2014, we've found a way to expose young players to an array of development opportunities – both on and off the pitch. These future stars will one day represent South Africa in global arenas. The DStv Diski Challenge is a youth development programme that includes:
- a football tournament linked to Premier Soccer League (PSL) clubs
- life skills and leadership development for players
- an internship programme to develop broadcasting skills among the youth
- scholarships for players and production interns
- the opportunity for DStv's community television channels to broadcast MultiChoice Diski Challenge matches.
The Diski Challenge provides a platform for players to showcase their talent and fast track into professional football by focusing on football player development through player tracking, profiling and media training. Aside from the games, players interact with football legends and receive training in life and leadership skills.
This year, Stellenbosch FC Diski Challenge team were crowned champions of the Premier League Next Generation Cup after outplaying Leicester City in the final of the tournament.

players have been promoted to PSL first teams

players have represented South Africa national teams in international competitions

PSL players enrolled for PSL Player Transition Programme, equipping them with the skills to find careers after retirement

DStv schools’ netball challenge
Players and coaches from the Ubuntu stream of the DStv Schools Netball Challenge (DSNC) from over 20 schools across the country benefited from two sessions of coaching clinics by some of the best netball minds in the country in the lead up to the national finals on 8-9 August 2022.
These clinics helped the netballers prepare adequately for the national finals and build their confidence by being surrounded and learning from professional players whom they look up to.
The DSNC is divided into two streams, Ubuntu (schools from the rural and township areas) and the Botho (schools from the urban areas) to ensure that all schools have an equal opportunity at winning the title.
Both streams played against each other in the group stages of the nationals before branching off into their respective streams in the playoff stages.
Assessing the players in different levels of the game guided the mentor coaches in working on for the different teams. However, the coaching was not only for the players – teacher netball coaches also benefited.
These netball coaching clinics are being held across all nine provinces and led by South Africa's best players and coaches.
Sports trust: SuperSport playing fields
Physical education at primary schools is fundamental to raising well-adjusted children. Schools require adequate sports facilities to enable the future leaders of tomorrow to develop their physicality and competitiveness through the discipline of sports.
The typical sports field at school is a space for community, camaraderie, competitiveness – and fun. Recognising the value of sports and camaraderie in enabling young personalities to grow, MultiChoice has sponsored an initiative aimed at installing playing fields and structured sports programmes to disadvantaged rural schools around the country. Qualifying schools are included in the SuperSport Schools broadcasting project.
Skurweberg Secondary School in the Karoo was the first recipient of the SuperSport Schools Playing Fields project. The Skurweberg received a 40 x 40 metre multipurpose playing field that includes two netball courts, two volleyball courts, two 5-a-side soccer fields, one 7-a-side soccer field and one touch rugby field.

Case studiesBushbuckridge schools receive sports fields
Learners at Boikhutsho Junior Primary and Sedibeng Senior Primary schools, both situated at Shatale Village in Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga, now enjoy a variety of sports on their brand-new Let's Play sports fields. The sports fields, donated by MultiChoice, were officially accepted by the schools and the MMC for Sport, Arts and Culture in the Bushbuckridge Local Municipality, Councillor Prince Gumede at a ceremony.
The multi-purpose playing fields can be used for five different sporting codes: hockey, 5-a-side soccer, tennis, volleyball, and netball. In addition to the fields, the schools also received a Let's Play kit bags filled with sports equipment and playing kit.
Coaches responsible for sport at the schools are undergoing training in the latest physical education methodologies to ensure the sports fields are optimally utilised.
"It is such an honour to be back in the community that raised and moulded me into the person I am now. As a youngster growing up in Shatale Village, it was always my dream to make a difference in my community and handing over these playing fields today is a dream realised", said MultiChoice Group CEO, Calvo Mawela.
The two fields are part of four multi-purpose playing fields constructed by Let's Play in 2021. The other two recipients are at schools in Lusikisiki in the Eastern Cape and Kimberley in the Northern Cape.

Let's Play
SuperSport's Lets Play programme (in partnership with UNICEF) encourages the youth to participate in healthy activities. Not only does team sports improve them physically, but it's also been proven to strengthen social skills and enhance psychological development.
learners reached through Let's Play's Physical Education Challenge to date
schoolteachers trained in new physical education methodologies

Case studiesSA hockey partnership
SuperSport Let's Play recently launched a new project in partnership with the South African Hockey Association – the Let's Play-SA Hockey Modified Hockey Programme (MHP). Aligned with MultiChoice's commitment to enriching lives and drive participation in sports amongst the youth, the project will see the game of hockey being introduced to communities that previously had little to no contact with the sport.
The hockey programme is being rolled out at recently constructed multipurpose sports fields in schools in Bushbuckridge, Lusikisiki, Tembisa and Kimberly. Known as the 'Let's Play Centres of Excellence', a dedicated hockey coordinator has been deployed to roll out a structured programme at these fields. This programme includes an introduction to hockey, talent identification/development training for teachers, while establishing a neighbourhood hockey league with surrounding schools.
As a proudly South African company and a major funder of sports, MultiChoice is committed to playing its part in unearthing talent and growing the next generation of stars. The SuperSport Let's Play partnership with South African hockey will birth a new generation of sporting talent from this country.