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Delivering good performance

 Delivering good performance

The board is responsible for ensuring good performance, and as such, has a clear strategy to achieve this. Thus, strategy is discussed and monitored on an ongoing basis. The board meets annually to review the group’s specific strategic priorities, the group’s three-year strategic plans and budgets, and approves the key performance measures and targets of all executives. The board oversees the implementation of the strategic plans throughout the year.

Ongoing training

On appointment, all directors participate in a formal and comprehensive induction programme. Director training is held to refresh their skills and knowledge.

Directors are required to attend ongoing professional development training and briefings to keep abreast of legal and regulatory risks, developments and changes that could impact the environment in which the group and its subsidiaries operate.

We have MultiChoice e-learning modules for directors and senior executives. These modules are available to all our directors and senior managers on the MultiChoice Academy platform and are tailored to our internal policies and processes. The modules cover topics such as the JSE Listings Requirements, corporate governance, King IV, trading in securities and directors’ specific duties.

Board evaluations

The board and its committee charters include the onus of annual assessments. Assessments of the performance by the board, individual directors and its committees are conducted every second year. However, performance in general is considered every year as part of the review of the board’s composition and its committees. The lead independent director leads the evaluation of the chair.

In March 2023, we evaluated the board committees’ performance against their charters. All committees were found to have materially fulfilled their duties.

A formal board and individual director performance assessment was undertaken in May 2023. The evaluation did not identify the need for any significant areas of improvement and the board’s performance was considered satisfactory. The board considered its effectiveness, competencies, participation, meeting attendance and constructive deliberation. No significant areas of concern were identified during the evaluation process or discussions. Going forward, the board will continue focusing on improving and refining its processes.