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About us
About us
Our ESG strategy
CEO's message
A word from our regional leadership
The next generation of storytellers
The next generation of storytellers
The MultiChoice Talent Factory
Case study: MultiChoice Talent Factory partners with Canon to run filmmaking workshops
Case study: Florence Rapeu
MTF Highlights
MTF success stories across Africa
Promoting local content
Promoting local content
Case study: The 8th Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards celebrated over eight days
Case Study: East African content featured in Maisha Magic Movie Festival
Case study: Partnership with Namibian Broadcasting Corporation injects impetus for Namibian content
Case study: Abol TV celebrates 1st year anniversary
Celebrating diversity
Celebrating diversity
MultiChoice transformation initiatives
Female profiles
Supporting small business
Supporting small business
MultiChoice Innovation Fund
Enterprise Development Trust
Empowering small-business owners
Bolstering sport participation in Africa
Bolstering sport participation in Africa
Sports in South Africa
SuperSport starts broadcasting Ethiopian Premier League
Reaching into our communities
Reaching into our communities
Partnerships for good
Our regional social investments
Technology / Digital forward

Currently viewing: Introduction | Next: MultiChoice transformation initiatives

Celebrating diversity

The empowerment of women is a key priority for MultiChoice. We want to offer women support and will do this via programs and initiatives that speak to challenges ranging from transformation in the workplace to societal issues like GBV (Gender Based Violence). Transformation is a long game but we at Multichoice are committed to the cause.  We need to continuously uplift women. A lot has to still be done to from an equality point of view throughout our society, we will do our best as a corporate to give women a voice and create opportunities' that would level the playing field.

Fahmeeda Cassim-Surtee, CEO at DStv Media Sales.

Since the dawn of modern history, women have largely been treated as the inferior gender and subservient to their male partners, who routinely made life choice decisions on behalf of women.

Centuries of relentless struggle have brought women to the cusp of universal recognition as equals, at least in principle. Many men still don't accept this overdue reality.

Although Africa is often viewed by outsiders as tribal and traditional, we are making great progress in enabling women to rise to the top rungs of commerce, politics and society.

For instance, Rwanda at 53.6% is one of only 14 countries in the world with 50% or more women in their cabinet. Rwanda's Parliament is also 61.3% female – the highest in the world. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the percentage of women leadership positions at 24.4% closely follows the world average of 24.9%.

On these pages we showcase and celebrate African women who are blazing a trail for all women to follow.


of MultiChoice employees are women (as at 31 March 2022)


of MultiChoice's employee development spend was allocated to female talent


of MultiChoice's bursary spend was allocated to women

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Generate your own report

You can create your own custom PDF version of the report.

Select your areas of interest from the list below and submit your selection to create a PDF ready for you to download.

About us
About us
Our ESG strategy
CEO's message
A word from our regional leadership
The next generation of storytellers
The next generation of storytellers
The MultiChoice Talent Factory
Case study: MultiChoice Talent Factory partners with Canon to run filmmaking workshops
Case study: Florence Rapeu
MTF Highlights
MTF success stories across Africa
Promoting local content
Promoting local content
Case study: The 8th Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards celebrated over eight days
Case Study: East African content featured in Maisha Magic Movie Festival
Case study: Partnership with Namibian Broadcasting Corporation injects impetus for Namibian content
Case study: Abol TV celebrates 1st year anniversary
Celebrating diversity
Celebrating diversity
MultiChoice transformation initiatives
Female profiles
Supporting small business
Supporting small business
MultiChoice Innovation Fund
Enterprise Development Trust
Empowering small-business owners
Bolstering sport participation in Africa
Bolstering sport participation in Africa
Sports in South Africa
SuperSport starts broadcasting Ethiopian Premier League
Reaching into our communities
Reaching into our communities
Partnerships for good
Our regional social investments
Technology / Digital forward